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We are Astrid Groeneveld and Martine van Onna, two enthusiastic physiotherapists who love board games. And that's how it started, an evening in 2021, with a board game and a bottle of red wine, the idea came to develop an educational (but fun!) game for physiotherapists (in training). 

​Astrid is our creative brain who, in addition to her job as a physiotherapist, she also completed a training as a graphic designer and photographer.
Martine is lecturer Physiotherapy at Fontys Hogeschool and at the master manual therapy of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. We both learned a lot but also had a lot of fun developing FysioFun Games. We are very satisfied with the end result, but more importantly, so are the players! 




FysioFun is a game that allows students to expand their physiotherapeutic vocabulary in a fun way or, if you have mastered everything to perfection: can test.
The principle is simple, on each card there are 5 physiotherapy words that a student may describe as well and quickly as possible to his colleagues without actually saying the word. The 1000 words vary from biceps brachii to pubmed, everything within physiotherapy is discussed.


By learning in game form, learning becomes fun and you are challenged to share your knowledge with the group. The student immediately receives feedback when his explanation is incorrect or not clear enough, because then the word is not guessed. Because everyone wants to win in the team, that encourages improvement by self-initiative learning. Another possibility is that they explain it to each other. And all this learning, in a fun way by playing a game. The game can be played from the start of training until after retirement. Each card contains words that a student learns in his first year. But also words that are discussed more at the end of the study or in the workfield. This makes the game a challenge to play for every level. It can therefore be used with a didactic objective as well as during an event with colleagues.

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